Immersing Myself in 格拉纳达's 文化 - 东航卡帕 远足


宝博体育 with 东航卡帕 was a pivotal chapter in my academic journey, 向我展示了大量改变我人生的经历,这些经历塑造了我的观点. Throughout my time with 东航卡帕, 我有幸参加了迷人的短途旅行,并受益于宝贵的工作人员的支持, 这些都对我的个人成长和跨文化能力起到了重要的作用.  

东航卡帕项目的一个显著特点是其精心策划的游览活动, 旨在为学生提供课堂之外的沉浸式文化体验. 在这些旅行中,我对阿尔罕布拉宫的访问是一个具有变革意义的时刻. 的阿尔罕布拉宫, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, 是坐落在市中心的摩尔式建筑的绝佳证明 格拉纳达,西班牙. Through guided tours and hands-on activities, 我不仅目睹了建筑奇迹,也深深融入了当地文化.  

A person standing on a ledge with a city in the background

Visiting the Alhambra! This was the end of our trip there but the best view.

Captivating 远足: Unveiling 文化  

The excursions were more than just sightseeing tours; they were gateways into the soul of the host country. Engaging with the local customs, interacting with residents, 参与真实的活动让我能够以教科书无法传达的方式了解文化的细微差别. 结果是, my horizons expanded, 我提高了跨文化能力,这在我的职业生涯中被证明是非常宝贵的 宝博体育 and in all my subsequent endeavors. 

在东航卡帕工作期间,我经历了无数迷人的经历, exploring 格拉纳达 and its neighboring treasures is a highlight. 科尔多瓦是一座历史悠久的城市,在这里旅行就像回到了过去. 梅兹基塔大教堂(Mezquita-Catedral)以迷人的形式融合了伊斯兰教和基督教建筑,证明了这一点 西班牙多元的历史. 穿过拱门的光线有节奏的相互作用给人留下了不可磨灭的印象, 让我想起了塑造这个地区的错综复杂的文化.  

A group of people posing for a photo


当然,这些冒险中最重要的无疑是参观阿尔罕布拉宫. A culmination of Islamic art and architecture, the Alhambra is a symphony of intricate geometric patterns, serene courtyards, and ornate gardens. 在导游的带领下,我们深入了解了每个大厅和庭院的历史意义,同时也欣赏了装饰每个角落的艺术大师. As I wandered through the Generalife Gardens, 芬芳的花朵和精心修剪的风景把我带到了一个富裕精致的时代. These experiences were not just sightseeing; they were immersive lessons in history and culture that enriched my understanding of the region. 

Independent Exploration 

另外, 当我和我在东航卡帕旅行中认识的朋友们一起探索新的目的地时,周末为我创造了难忘的回忆. 无论是冒险到迷人的附近城镇,还是开始惊险的城市跳跃冒险, these weekend getaways amplified the sense of camaraderie among us. Sharing cultural discoveries, navigating foreign transit systems, 一起品尝当地美食,结下了跨越国界的纽带,丰富了我的留学经历. 这些共同的冒险加深了我的留学友谊,也强化了在世界每一个角落拥抱自发性和寻求冒险的重要性. 

A person standing on a balcony in front of water

I took a solo trip to 马德里 on my last weekend in 西班牙. 我只会说西班牙语,而且在国外的剩余时间里,我获得了很大的勇气.

A short train ride away, 马德里, the capital city, beckons with its world-class museums like the Prado, vibrant neighborhoods, and iconic landmarks such as the Royal Palace. It's a hub of Spanish culture and history. I went alone and it was such an amazing experience. I ate amazing food and discovered beautiful architecture. On the southern coast, Nerja provides a refreshing escape with its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and the enchanting Nerja Caves. 该镇风景如画的街道和轻松的氛围与格拉纳达的喧嚣形成了完美的对比. 在Nerja的时候, 我和我的朋友们在地中海划皮艇,那是我永远不会忘记的记忆! 马拉加, another coastal gem, offers a mix of cultural experiences, from its historic Alcazaba fortress to the modern Pompidou Centre. 马拉加充满活力的夜生活和美味的海鲜使它成为希望放松和享受沿海生活方式的学生的理想目的地. My friend and I walked for hours in 马拉加 and never got bored. It was similar to 格拉纳达, but we loved it! 这些周末旅行不仅可以让学生探索西班牙的不同地区,而且还提供了文化沉浸的机会. 

People in a kayak in water between rocks

My friend Aliya and I kayaked in Nerja on a weekend trip! The Mediterranean Sea had the bluest water I ever saw!

Staff Support: Navigating Challenges and Embracing the Experience 

适应新的学术和文化环境可能会让人望而生畏, 但东航卡帕的现场工作人员提供了坚定的支持, proving to be a game-changer. Their guidance and mentor船 were like a compass, 帮助我应对最初的挑战,鼓励我完全融入我的主办城市. 从协助行政程序到提供有关当地海关的建议, 工作人员的专业知识是项目中每个学生的生命线.  

I vividly recall the first few weeks of my 宝博体育 program 当时我正在努力克服思乡之情,适应不同的生活节奏. 工作人员对我的感受感同身受,并提供了切实可行的解决方案和同情的倾听. 他们真诚的关心和承诺把一段潜在的压倒性经历变成了成长和自我发现.  

我的东航卡帕经历对我的学术和个人旅程产生了不可磨灭的影响. Through captivating excursions, I delved into the heart of the host country's culture, fostering cross-cultural competence and personal growth. 此外, 现场员工无与伦比的支持,将潜在的挑战转化为成长的机遇, ultimately enriching my 宝博体育 journey. The more I opened myself to these immersive encounters, 我对中国文化了解得越多,就越喜欢它的温暖, 活力, and genuine hospitality of the people. It was a transformative journey beyond textbooks and lectures, 与一种文化建立持久的联系,这种文化将永远在我心中占据一个特殊的位置. 


View from the Feria de Corpus Christi.



思米Parhar is the Summer 2023 校友 Ambassador in 格拉纳达,西班牙, and is currently studying at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.